TweenLite and TweenMax Improvements:
- TweenLite now has pause(), resume(), reverse(), play(), and restart() methods which it shares in common with all TweenCore classes (TweenMax, TimelineLite, and TimelineMax). This brings polymorphism to the platform in a very convenient way. So you can create a class variable, for example, and type it as a TweenCore and populate it with a TweenLite, TweenMax, TimelineLite, or TimelineMax and use common controls.
- "useFrames" is now officially supported. So to make a tween or timeline base its timing on frames instead of seconds, simply pass "useFrames:true" through the vars object. For example, to tween mc's x coordinate to 100 over the course of 30 frames, do, 30, {x:100, useFrames:true});
- Improved speed
- Full ASDoc documentation
- Associate any data with a particular tween using the new "data" special property.
- TweenMax has new fromTo() and allFromTo() methods which allow you to define the starting and ending values in a tween (or group of tweens).
- allTo() and allFrom() were moved to TweenMax and the stagger, onCompleteAll, and onCompleteParams are now function parameters instead of special properties in the vars object.
- invalidate() any TweenLite/Max or TimelineLite/Max to force a re-initialization. This can be very useful if you want to reuse/restart a tween/timeline without having it revert to its starting values.
- TweenLite has a "currentTime" property now, so it's easy to find out exactly how far along a TweenLite is and/or make it skip to a certain point.
- Added onReverseComplete callback (and event dispatching in TweenMax/TimelineMax) so that you can take action when a tween/timeline finishes returning to its beginning after having been reversed. Also added onRepeat callback to TweenMax and TimelineMax.
- New "transformMatrix" plugin allows you to tween a DisplayObject's/MovieClip's transform.matrix properties. Either use the normal a, b, c, d, tx, and ty properties or convenient x, y, scaleX, scaleY, skewX, skewY, and rotation values. Yes, that's right - you can easily skew a DisplayObject/MovieClip now!
- New "motionBlur" plugin applies a realistic directional blur based on the velocity and angle of a DisplayObject's x/y movement. See an interactive demo in the updated Plugin Explorer (below). MotionBlurPlugin is a membership benefit of Club GreenSock for all "Really Green", "Shockingly Green", and corporate members.
- New "physics2D" plugin delivers simple physics functionality for tweening a DisplayObject's x and y coordinates based on a combination of velocity, angle, gravity, acceleration, accelerationAngle, and/or friction. See an interactive demo in the updated Plugin Explorer. Physics2DPlugin is a membership benefit of Club GreenSock for all "Really Green", "Shockingly Green", and corporate members.
- New "physicsProps" plugin delivers simple physics functionality for tweening any property of any object using velocity, acceleration, and/or friction. See an interactive demo in the updated Plugin Explorer. PhysicsPropsPlugin is a membership benefit of Club GreenSock for all "Really Green", "Shockingly Green", and corporate members.
- New "dynamicProps" plugin that allows you to associate a function with a property so that every time the tween is updated, it calls that function to get the end value for the associated property. You could, for example, tween an object's x/y coordinates to wherever the mouse is. See an interactive demo in the updated Plugin Explorer (below). DynamicPropsPlugin is a membership benefit of Club GreenSock, replacing ColorTransformPlugin which is now available to non club members.
- The AS3 flavor of TweenMax now has internal algorithms that can execute certain easing calculations 35-80% faster (overall speed boost is closer to 3-15%)! You just need to activate the eligible easing classes (options include Linear, Quad, Cubic, Quart, Quint, and Strong). Example: FastEase.activate([Strong, Linear, Quad]).
Check out all the details and download the new version at Greensock.
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