In this tutorial we show you how to create an Adobe Air desktop application and how to produce an unsigned certificate. The example shows how to embed a browser into Adobe Flex 3. This tutorial was created by Mike Lively of Northern Kentucky University.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
Using TweenLite For ActionScript 3.0 Animation
From ChadandToddPodcast
The TweenLite engine is an amazing ActionScript tweening engine that allows you to quickly create animations using one line of code. This episode shows where to get TweenLite, and how to use it to create ActionScript animations.
TweenMax extends the extremely lightweight, fast TweenLite engine, adding many useful features like timeScale, AS3 event dispatching, updateTo(), yoyo, repeat, repeatDelay, rounding, and more. It also activates many extra plugins by default, making it extremely full-featured. Since TweenMax extends TweenLite, it can do anything TweenLite can do plus much more.
An Introduction to TweenMax for Beginners Part 2
TweenMax extends the extremely lightweight, fast TweenLite engine, adding many useful features like timeScale, AS3 event dispatching, updateTo(), yoyo, repeat, repeatDelay, rounding, and more. It also activates many extra plugins by default, making it extremely full-featured. Since TweenMax extends TweenLite, it can do anything TweenLite can do plus much more.
An Introduction to TweenMax for Beginners Part 1
TweenMax extends the extremely lightweight, fast TweenLite engine, adding many useful features like timeScale, AS3 event dispatching, updateTo(), yoyo, repeat, repeatDelay, rounding, and more. It also activates many extra plugins by default, making it extremely full-featured. Since TweenMax extends TweenLite, it can do anything TweenLite can do plus much more.
Spring Actionscript
From the Website
Download | API Documentation | HTML Docs | Changelog
Spring ActionScript is an offshoot of the Java Spring Framework written in ActionScript 3.0. The framework contains the following core features:
- Inversion of Control container, configurable with XML or MXML
- EventBus supporting loose communication between application components
- Metadata/annotation processing used for autowiring, event handling, ...
- Operation, Command and Task API
- Utilities for abstracting server communication
- Support for Modules
- Extensions for the Cairngorm and PureMVC frameworks
The Spring Actionscript team would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who took the time to report bugs, give suggestions and help out in any other kind of way. Without the dedicated Spring community behind us, the framework would not be where it is today. Thank all of you!
As always, we're on the look out for new members to join the team. If you are willing to invest some of your spare time to write documentation, sample applications, fix bugs or develop new functionality then please don't hesitate to get in touch with us!
For the full list of changes please check the changelog. If you have any suggestions for new functionality or improvements to the existing code base, then please use JIRA to submit a feature request.
- Spring Actionscript 1.0 (with dependencies)
The home of Spring, the leading platform to build and run enterprise Java applications. Led and sustained by SpringSource, Spring delivers significant benefits for many projects, increasing development productivity and runtime performance while improving test coverage and application quality.
SpringSource Tool Suite:
The Best Development Tool for Enterprise Java
SpringSource Tool Suite™ (STS) provides the best Eclipse-powered development environment for building Spring-powered enterprise applications. STS includes tools for all of the latest enterprise Java, Spring, Groovy and Grails based technologies as well as the most advanced tooling available for enterprise OSGi development. STS supports application targeting to local, virtual and cloud-based servers and provides built in support for SpringSource tc Server.
Download SpringSource Tool Suite today and take advantage of:
- Spring Application Tools: including Spring project, bean and XML file wizards, graphical Spring configuration editor, Spring 3.0 support, Spring Web Flow and Spring Batch visual development tools
- Flexible deployment targets: including support for all the most common Java EE application servers, advanced support for SpringSource tc Server, and VMware Lab Manager and Workstation integration and deployment
- Enterprise OSGi development: including OSGi bundle overview and visual dependency graph, classpath management based on OSGi meta data, and automatic generation of manifest dependency meta data
SpringSource Tool Suite is freely available for development and internal business operations use with no time limits. A new STS with Google Integration is also available as a milestone version.
Download SpringSource Tool Suite today!
Adobe Flash 9A0-092 Certification Quiz
Flash Builder 4 with Flex and PHP
ADC Presents - Working with PHP Services in Flash Builder 4 (Part 1)
Part 2
PHP Resources
Building data-centric applications with Flash Builder. from ADOBE
Flash Builder 4 and PHP Data/Services for beginners. from
Working in Flash Builder 4 with Flex and PHP. from
ADC Presents - Take the Tour de Flex
From the Adobe Developer Connection
Tour de Flex is a desktop application for exploring Flex capabilities and resources, including the core Flex components, Adobe AIR, data integration, and a variety of third-party components, effects, skins, and more.
Tour de Flex, shown in Figure 1, includes over 200 running samples, each with source code, links to documentation, and other details. Topics include the Flex core components, Flex data access, AIR desktop capabilities, cloud APIs, data visualization, mapping, and a growing collection of custom components, effects, and skins.
Download Tour de Flex, a desktop application for exploring Flex capabilities and resources. You can also use the WEB VERSION
Flex In A Week
SourceBinder A Free Node Based Visual Development Environment for Flash
3d physics simulation with Wiimote from Balazs Serenyi on Vimeo.
SourceBinder is a node based visual development environment for Flash. Instead of writing code you assemble a set of building blocks on a canvas and wire those blocks together. This allows you to rapidly create Flash applications. You can export those applications into regular Flash SWF file. SourceBinder will be available free of charge for any purposes.
SourceBinder is still in private alpha, but you can apply to get an invitation.
SourceBinder Download
SourceBinder Tutorials
FlashMoto The Flash WYSIWYG Website Editor
FlashMoto Flash content management system is a powerful and easy to use application designed to simplify the publication of Web content to Flash websites. It allows content creators to submit content without requiring any software, technical knowledge of HTML, Flash and other programming languages.
With our Flash CMS it became possible to manage almost any Flash website without any restrictions in design, graphic effects and animation.
- Tools Panel
With the help of a quite usable tools panel you can easily add texts, shapes, wigets and plugins to the site’s page. Embedding pictures and videos won’t take much time as well. - Main Section
Here the page you’re editing is displayed. It’s reflected in exactly same way it looks on the website, so you can see the results of your actions right away without switching to another window. Use «drag and drop» tool to move and unfold any item you need. - Properties Panel
Use this panel to edit properties of the displayed objects. To make editing more convenient, panel includes special settings for each type of the object. In-built text editor, shapes editor and viget editor will be activated every time you edit a corresponding object. - FlashMoto CMS Demo
Papervision3D & Swift 3D Resources and Tutorials
Papervision3D (PV3D) is a popular open source 3D engine for Flash. You can create advanced three-dimensional objects displayed real time right in the web browser by using of it. It will bring an impressive visual experience and user interaction to the web visitors.
Papervision3D downloads:
Papervision 3D Flash programming tutorials
- 1. Papervision 3D Programming Tutorial - Loading and Displaying a 3D Model
- 2. Papervision 3D Programming Tutorial - Particle Systems with Flint
- 3. Papervision 3D Programming Tutorial - Modify Textures At Runtime
- 4. Papervision 3D Programming Tutorial - WOW Physics
- 5. Papervision 3D Programming Tutorial - Shading
- 6. Papervision 3D Programming Tutorial - Effects
- 7. Papervision 3D Programming Tutorial - Animated Textures
Flash 3D Engine Tutorial : Papervision3D and Swift 3D Mouse Interaction
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Adobe Flash Player "Square"
Adobe® Flash® Player "Square" is a preview release that enables native 64-bit support on Linux, Mac OS, and Windows operating systems, as well as enhanced support for Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 beta.
We have made this preview available so that users can test existing content and new platforms for compatibility and stability. Because this is a preview version of Flash Player, we don't expect it to be as stable as a final release version of Flash Player. Use caution when installing Flash Player "Square" on production machines.
The key new capabilities in the Flash Player "Square" preview are:
- 64-bit support — Native support for 64-bit operating systems and 64-bit web browsers on Linux, Mac OS, and Windows.
- Internet Explorer 9 hardware accelerated rendering support — Enhanced support for Internet Explorer 9 Beta. It takes advantage of hardware accelerated graphics in Internet Explorer 9 Beta, utilizing hardware rendering surfaces to improve graphics performance and enable seamless composition.
Important: Please note that if you install the Flash Player "Square" preview, you will need to keep this version up to date by manually installing updates from the Flash Player "Square" download page on Adobe Labs. You will not receive automatic update notifications for future final releases of Flash Player, and you will need to manually uninstall Flash Player "Square" before installing a final shipping version of Flash Player.
Download and install the Flash Player "Square" preview release
FlashDevelop, A Free and Open Source Code Editor
FlashDevelop is open source
- MIT license, feel free to contribute
- Repository:
FlashDevelop is a great general purpose code editor
- Easy to use editor with syntax highlighting, bookmarks and tasks (TODO) handling.
- Comprehensive Find and Replace Dialog.
- Find in Files dialog.
- Intuitive and very flexible panel based interface.
- Advanced snippet completion (code templates) and integrated snippet editor.
- Open plug-in based architecture.
FlashDevelop offers advanced ActionScript coding support
- Supports three languages: ActionScript 2, ActionScript 3 & MXML and HaXe.
- Brilliant Actionscript Code Completion (IntelliSense) and code generators.
- Code completion for XML, MXML and HTML
- Code navigation (jump to declaration), just pressing F4/Shift-F4.
- Easy integration with Flash and command line compilers, just using Ctrl+Enter to compile.
- Integrated Project Manager to handle all the project assets, properties and files.
- Smart project templates to quickly get started.
- Instant swf building with MTASC or MXMLC using custom comment tag @mtasc/@mxmlc.
- Easy to use Context API search.
- Customized GUI for AS2API & ASDocs documentation generators.
Features Tour
Load A YouTube Video Inside A SWF File
The YouTube API
the YouTube AS3 API doesn't require you to download and install a special component for you to be able to play YouTube videos inside your project, instead you directly load a special YouTube file during runtime using the Loader Class and then use that file to play any video you want.
The basic process outline for loading the API and using it is as following:
- Configure Domain Security to allow YouTube to communicate with the swf.
- Create a variable to hold a reference to the YouTube player (
- Use the Loader Class to load the YouTube API file
- Create event handlers to control the player once the API file has successfully loaded and got initiated.
- Play the YouTube video by the API ID (_OBlgSz8sSM",0).
var my_player:Object;
var my_loader:Loader = new Loader();
my_loader.load(new URLRequest(""));
my_loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.INIT, onLoaderInit);
function onLoaderInit(e:Event):void{
my_player = my_loader.content;
my_player.addEventListener("onReady", onPlayerReady);
function onPlayerReady(e:Event):void{
play_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, playVid);
function playVid(e:MouseEvent):void {
pause_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, pauseVid);
function pauseVid(e:MouseEvent):void {
Finding the ID
The ID of the video is the string at the end of a YouTube URL that follows the v=.
Youtube API Overview Guide. The YouTube APIs and Tools let you bring the YouTube experience to your webpage, application, or device. The Data API lets you perform most of the operations a normal YouTube user can on the YouTube website. The Player APIs let you control the YouTube player using JavaScript or ActionScript. There is the basic embedded player you are used to seeing as well as the chromeless player that lets you create your own player controls.
Lastly there are the Widgets, and a custom player that you can embed on your webpage, even if you are not a web programmer.
YouTube video player with live preview playlist
This player is for YouTube videos, it uses YouTube API batch processing to get video's information, which allows to fetch data for up 50 videos with a single API call.